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God and the U.S. Mint

Edmund Moy looks at the state of the economy, the wisdom of investing in gold, and what it means for a Christian to serve in a government position



The Gospel at work

How does God intend for us to think about our work? Sebastian Traeger helps us understand God’s design for our jobs and life.



Women in leadership

Halee Gray Scott explores spiritual gifting, common challenges in ministry, and what it means for a woman to be involved in the leadership of the Church.



Women, work, and success

What is God’s calling for women? Can a woman work in any season of life? Carolyn McCulley explores the design & desires of a woman’s heart.



The Christian worldview

Aaron Zubia joins Connecting Faith to talk about the foundational principles of a biblical worldview, why it’s important, and how it relates to the news of the day.



Understanding the Bible

Dr. Michael Rydelnik help us see the big picture of God’s plans and purposes, by more fully understanding the setting of the scriptures, the authors, and the audience.


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Evening Programs

Daily Hope

Rick Warren

The Alternative

Tony Evans

Family Life Today

Dave and Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine

Encounter the Truth

Jonathan Griffiths

Turning Point

David Jeremiah

Insight for Living

Chuck Swindoll

Open the Bible

Colin Smith

Moments of Promise

Susie Larson

Intentional Living

Randy Carlson

Handling disappointment

With faith, hope and clarity, Bill Arnold welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian leaders to help us grow deeper in our faith. Bill Arnold brings hope and humor to conversations about current events, big ideas, and God’s work and redemption. Each weekday afternoon, Bill welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian…

Dr. Linda Mintle


The science of being charming

With faith, hope and clarity, Bill Arnold welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian leaders to help us grow deeper in our faith. Bill Arnold brings hope and humor to conversations about current events, big ideas, and God’s work and redemption. Each weekday afternoon, Bill welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Are you mindstuck and need to change?

With faith, hope and clarity, Bill Arnold welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian leaders to help us grow deeper in our faith. Bill Arnold brings hope and humor to conversations about current events, big ideas, and God’s work and redemption. Each weekday afternoon, Bill welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian…

Dr. Linda Mintle



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