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Marriage + Family

Breaking the cycle of co-dependency

Jenny loves Rick, but he is showing signs of codependency. She needs Rick’s approval and bases her identity on his reactions. She feels she must care for him at all costs to be worthy of his love. When a problem arises, she doesn’t confront it because he may withdraw his love. Basically, Jenny has learned to define herself…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Relationship CPR

Are you going through a difficult time with a family member, a loved one, a co-worker or even a boss? Maybe you are on the brink of losing a relationship. Don’t give up hope. Instead, apply relationship CPR to revive an ailing relationship. Here are 6 ways: Build positivity. Is the relationship more positive than negative? If it is…

Dr. Linda Mintle


The importance of fathers

This weekend we honor dads. No matter what the culture tells you, dads play an important role in the healthy development of children. Too often the role of fathers is minimized or substituted as if dads are an add on to a family. Their contribution to the healthy development of children cannot be overstated. Strong families have strong…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Memorial Day: A time to remember

Most of us look forward to Memorial Day as an unofficial kick-off to summer. We appreciate a very needed three-day weekend to rest, relax, cook out and picnic. But for many families, Memorial Day is a sobering day. It is a time to remember and honor military brothers and sisters who died in the service of our country. I am one of those…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Celebrating the importance of mothers

Lots of flowers and cards will be sent to moms this weekend. Rightfully so. They deserve to be celebrated. Mother’s Day causes us to reflect on our relationship with our mom, especially if you are an adult daughter. It doesn’t seem to matter if the relationship is great, terrible, or somewhere in between, all daughters must…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Deferring marriage: A good idea?

There was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on the trend to defer marriage among Millennials and Gen Zs. The need to marry is on the decline given the rise in cohabitation, fear of divorce and self-sufficiency, among other factors. This trend is based on the idea that young people should focus on exploring their careers…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Alone together

Have you ever thought, “I am in a relationship, but I feel alone?” I call this alone together, the feeling of not being connected to an intimate other. Yes, you are physically together, but the relationship feels more like going through the motions. When this happens, changes need to be made to build back connection and intimacy.…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Expressions of valentine’s love

It’s that time of year when we focus on love. Yes, Valentine’s Day! I heard a husband grouse about the day and say, “I don’t like being pressured to express my love. And I really don’t like being forced to do it one day a year.” Sadly, he’s not understanding the spirit of the holiday. Love expressions should not feel pressured or forced.…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Master or disaster of relationships?

What if you could predict which newlywed couples will remain married and which ones will divorce four to six years later? And what if you were right 90% of the time. Well…this is what marital researcher, Dr. Gottman claims. The work of John Gottman in the Love Lab at the University of Washington has informed the path to creating disaster…

Dr. Linda Mintle


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Evening Programs

Daily Hope

Rick Warren

The Alternative

Tony Evans

Family Life Today

Dave and Ann Wilson

Encounter the Truth

Jonathan Griffiths

Turning Point

David Jeremiah

Insight for Living

Chuck Swindoll

Open the Bible

Colin Smith

Moments of Promise

Susie Larson

Intentional Living

Randy Carlson

Cleaning up the clutter in your life

With faith, hope and clarity, Bill Arnold welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian leaders to help us grow deeper in our faith. Bill Arnold brings hope and humor to conversations about current events, big ideas, and God’s work and redemption. Each weekday afternoon, Bill welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Letting go of regret and moving forward

With faith, hope and clarity, Bill Arnold welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian leaders to help us grow deeper in our faith. Bill Arnold brings hope and humor to conversations about current events, big ideas, and God’s work and redemption. Each weekday afternoon, Bill welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Breaking the cycle of co-dependency

With faith, hope and clarity, Bill Arnold welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian leaders to help us grow deeper in our faith. Bill Arnold brings hope and humor to conversations about current events, big ideas, and God’s work and redemption. Each weekday afternoon, Bill welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian…

Dr. Linda Mintle


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