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Dick Whitworth

Going and growing

Thanks again to each of you who prayed, called and gave during the Faith Radio Fall Share! We were touched by your kindness and generosity; again, thank you! Our engineers have informed me that, Lord willing and weather permitting, later this month we will add our latest FM signal in Fargo!  Faith 102.5FM will cover most, if not all…


Warning labels

Warning signs and labels are everywhere! They are on the food items we buy, the medicines we take, and even on the shows and movies we watch on TV! Wouldn’t it be great if there were warning labels for Faith Radio? Perhaps it would say…Prolonged listening could deepen your faith. Or maybe it would say… Beware Christians


Spiritually blind and in need of a Savior

Recently our pastor preached on the healing of the blind man from John 9. My guess is that you know the story – Jesus and His disciples while still in Jerusalem encounter a man born blind from birth; after some interaction Jesus winds up making some mud from spittle; places it on the blind man’s eyes and when he washes it off, he can see.…


Transitions and changes at Faith Radio

We are sad to share that after eight years on the air, Live the Promise with Susie Larson will have its last broadcast on Friday, June 1st. Susie shares a bit of her heart behind this decision, “As many of you know, I suffered a significant setback health wise a couple of years ago. I’m so much better than I was, and am on my way to full…


Springtime possibilities

“The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.” Edwin Way Teale It does feel that way, doesn’t it?  I do believe that, in part, God gives us the weather seasons as illustrations of the differing seasons of the soul. So, with that thought in mind, please be encouraged by Philippians…


Connecting faith to real life

As a society are we connected or disconnected? Well, the answer is, yes! Clearly as a society there are more connected devices than we can keep up with and yet, loneliness, lack of purpose and anxiety is a way of life for many. Those of us at Faith Radio understand how easy it is to get side-tracked or so busy that we miss out on God’s great…


Connecting Faith

There’s a classic business book by Daryl Conner entitled Managing at the Speed of Change. The goal of the book is to help people manage and accept change in their lives and at work. Like many of you, Faith Radio is also managing change.  In case you missed it, veteran broadcaster and friend, Neil Stavem has stepped away from his daily…


Dr. Billy Graham

“The men who followed Jesus were unique in their generation. They turned the world upside down because their hearts had been turned right side up. The world has never been the same.” Those were words of Dr. Billy Graham, who as you know went on to be with the Lord on February 21st at the age of 99. I can add nothing of significance…


Whatever things are true

Recently one of our friends posted on his Facebook page a story about his 5 year old son – who after several hours of daytime TV tried to convince Mom and Dad that he had fibromyalgia; a few minutes later he returned to ask them if they needed a “reverse mortgage?”  To which our friend decided then and there that limits must be placed on…


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Turning Point

with David Jeremiah

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Chris Fabry

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John H. Munro

Turning Point

David Jeremiah

Truth For Life

Alistair Begg

Know The Truth

Philip De Courcy

A New Beginning

Greg Laurie

Family Life Today

Dave and Ann Wilson

Moving Forward

Dr. Stephen Rummage

Destined for Victory

Paul Sheppard

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Rick Warren

Living on the Edge

Chip Ingram



Turning Point

David Jeremiah
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