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Dick Whitworth

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! And on behalf of all of us at Faith Radio, we do hope that you and yours have a happy 2018!  Perhaps as important as a Happy New Year – we hope that your journey through 2018 is a fruitful, Christ-filled adventure filled with many answers to prayer! As we look forward – we are excited to be on this journey with you! God’s blessing…


Many hands make light work

Many hands make light work!  When I hear that – I hear my Dad’s voice!  Every night after supper Dad would remind us to help Mom clear off the tables and put the dishes in the sink. We weren’t great help, but we did learn the principle that each of us can do something and that if we each do our part the work gets done. In 2 Corinthians…


Giving thanks

It’s sad that it takes a holiday to remind us of ALL that we should be thankful for. For many of us this is the time of year that we really do stop and take stock of all that God has done for us and we are grateful. Gratitude is certainly at its highest form of Christ-likeness when expressed versus “feelings” of gratitude. I often say that…


Actively growing in faith

I recently read a devotional from Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, entitled “Don’t Conform, Be Transformed.”  It is both a challenge and reminder based on Romans 12:2 that God’s purpose and plan for our lives includes His desire for us, through wise choices, to actively grow in our faith! At Faith Radio we call that connecting


Thank You!

Thank you!  “I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1 On behalf of all of us at Faith Radio, I want to express our thanks to God and you for your support of Faith Radio!  This past Fall Share event was an overwhelming show of support on how God is using the relevant bible preaching…


Praying for Faith Radio

The dust has settled on last month’s outstanding Northwestern Christian Writer’s Conference and we are still rejoicing and amazed at God’s provision for this one-day event!  Over 600 men and women left the conference equipped and empowered to reach their world for Christ!  Susie Larson, host of Live the Promise, challenged…


Your prayers matter, thanks!

Thank you for your prayers during our first-ever Northwestern Christian Writers Conference!  It was a hot day, but the excitement for learning and meeting new friends prevailed!   I am so proud of our Faith Radio Team and how hard they worked to make this Conference happen!  We also enjoyed the help and support from many of our University…


Northwestern Christian Writers Conference

This is an exciting week for all of us at Faith Radio as Saturday marks the first ever Northwestern Christian Writers Conference!   As we may have told you, the idea for the Conference started a couple of years ago – but the idea left us waiting, praying and hoping for the right time!  To be honest, we weren’t even sure that we could pull…


Triple play

While flipping through the TV channels the other night, I landed on the Twins baseball game and within a matter of seconds I saw one of the rarest and prettiest plays in baseball – a triple play! From third to second to first; one pitch, 3 outs! What makes this play so amazing is that on average, a Major League Baseball Team handles one


Summer at Faith Radio

Summer is officially underway!  Or at least that’s what we are told, right? Numbers of us will be taking some time off over the next weeks for vacation and deservedly so.  On behalf of all of us at Faith Radio, I do hope that you enjoy your time away from the stress and pressures of your day to day responsibilities. I’m excited to announce…


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Early Morning Programs

Susie Larson Weekend

Susie Larson

Building Relationships

Dr. Gary Chapman

Revive Our Hearts Weekend

Nancy Lee DeMoss Wolgemuth

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Shelby Abbott

The Equipped

Thann Bennett

The Conversation

Adam Weber



Revive Our Hearts Weekend

Nancy Lee DeMoss Wolgemuth
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