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The importance of fathers

This weekend we honor dads. No matter what the culture tells you, dads play an important role in the healthy development of children. Too often the role of fathers is minimized or substituted as if dads are an add on to a family. Their contribution to the healthy development of children cannot be overstated. Strong families have strong…

Dr. Linda Mintle



Coaching is a ministry

In this day and age of fatherless families, coaching is an opportunity to minister to lost kids even more than it is teaching them to throw a ball.



Hero dads

Dads, you are a hero through your child's eyes. But do you truly believe it?


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Faith Radio


Cleaning up the clutter in your life

This weekend we honor dads. No matter what the culture tells you, dads play an important role in the healthy development of children. Too often the role of fathers is minimized or substituted as if dads are an add on to a family. Their contribution to the healthy development of children cannot be overstated. Strong families have strong…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Letting go of regret and moving forward

This weekend we honor dads. No matter what the culture tells you, dads play an important role in the healthy development of children. Too often the role of fathers is minimized or substituted as if dads are an add on to a family. Their contribution to the healthy development of children cannot be overstated. Strong families have strong…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Breaking the cycle of co-dependency

This weekend we honor dads. No matter what the culture tells you, dads play an important role in the healthy development of children. Too often the role of fathers is minimized or substituted as if dads are an add on to a family. Their contribution to the healthy development of children cannot be overstated. Strong families have strong…

Dr. Linda Mintle



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