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Faith Radio Mornings

Contributor Website

Join Dr. Peter Kapsner, host of Faith Radio Mornings, for honest conversations about genuine faith and real hope.

Tune in weekday mornings for meaningful discussions about things that really matter to you and your family. With unique insights from a distinctly Christian worldview, Peter helps to connect faith to daily living, current events, and challenging topics.


Loving our Ninevites

Jonah teaches more than to obey God's commands, he teaches us how we need to see those we disagree with. We are called to show them what God has shown us.



Serving our survivors

Hot off the trails of the Kavanaugh hearings, even sexual assault has become a polarized issue, with many immediately believing the accused or the accuser. But this doesn't serve the mission of the church.



Coaching is a ministry

In this day and age of fatherless families, coaching is an opportunity to minister to lost kids even more than it is teaching them to throw a ball.


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Evening Programs

Daily Hope

Rick Warren

The Alternative

Tony Evans

Family Life Today

Dave and Ann Wilson

Encounter the Truth

Jonathan Griffiths

Turning Point

David Jeremiah

Insight for Living

Chuck Swindoll

Open the Bible

Colin Smith

Moments of Promise

Susie Larson

Intentional Living

Randy Carlson

Cleaning up the clutter in your life

With faith, hope and clarity, Bill Arnold welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian leaders to help us grow deeper in our faith. Bill Arnold brings hope and humor to conversations about current events, big ideas, and God’s work and redemption. Each weekday afternoon, Bill welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian…

Dr. Linda Mintle



Jonathan Griffiths

Encounter the Truth

Jonathan Griffiths
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