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Cradle My Heart


Ending abortion by advancing life as a civil right

Alveda King candidly shared her story of abortion here on Cradle My Heart Radio as we also discussed the issue of black genocide and her work on the Maafa 21 film and with the National Black Prolife Coalition. You likely have also seen her in one of her many media appearances on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Huckabee, Beck, Hannity and other…



Voices for life

When we launched Cradle My Heart Radio in 2012, a large part of our mission and vision was to create a safe space to share our stories. Now helping us fulfill that mission is our partnership with the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. The Campaign helps women and men prepare to speak out in safety for the benefit of others. This week…



Effective sidewalk counseling is preventing abortion and saving lives

Tonight we welcomed back Reverend Walter Hoye II, the founder of Issues4Life and Georgia’s Silent No More regional coordinator, Jody Duffy. Walter Hoye has a heart for pastors and training faith leaders. He understands the pressures and temptations to compromise, especially when it comes to preaching the issue of life…


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