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Cradle My Heart

But what about rape?

On the question of abortion and rape, the lack of clear apologetics may open the door for us speak truth, but fail to articulate our convictions.


Remembering Jane Roe

Norma McCorvey aka Jane Roe died last week. Her pseudonym is forever linked to the Supreme Court decision to make abortion legal, but her story is untold.



A choice of faith over convenience

Abortion is frequently a matter of convenience. But what happens when children become inconvenient? Does the wish to make the problem go away ever stop? When Lisa Smiley’s doctor recommended the abortion of her son, Zeke, due to a rare heart defect, she refused. But when Zeke suffered setbacks as a boy, his doctors again advised…



Seeking pro-life new wave feminism

Feminism is sometimes viewed as an negative term by Christians, but a new approach to this ideology is emerging from among the ranks of pro-life women seeking to redefine this catchword for Christians. Leah Jacobson introduces a new fourth wave of feminism, one that’s soundly rooted in Scripture. “The fourth wave of feminism…


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