Tonight we welcomed back Reverend Walter Hoye II, the founder of Issues4Life and Georgia’s Silent No More regional coordinator, Jody Duffy.
Walter Hoye has a heart for pastors and training faith leaders. He understands the pressures and temptations to compromise, especially when it comes to preaching the issue of life and putting our faith in action. If you haven’t heard his blueprint for change, please check the podcast archives and listen to our interview from September 2012.
When we visited with him tonight we talked about sidewalk counseling outside abortion businesses. This was the cause for which Walter Hoye willingly surrendered his liberty when he was (wrongly) jailed for offering women counsel as they approached an abortion facility. Despite the stereotype of angry protests, sidewalk counselors act with compassion, and their impact is being felt as daily lives are being saved. Rev. Hoye trains others to counsel effectively, respectfully, and yes, legally. Here is one such session from his companion ministers at ProLife Action.
This is an active living out of the biblical exhortation to rescue those being led away to death in Proverbs 24:11.
The story of Walter’s arrest and incarceration was featured on Breakpoint in 2010. Rev. Hoye has a heart to help and he has truly put his faith on the line, including imprisonment for his faith, to help save women from the heartache of abortion. You will find help and care from one who understands the need for healing and who ministers God’s love to those harmed in the aftermath in tonight’s podcast.
When we launched Cradle My Heart Radio in 2012, a large part of our mission and vision was to create a safe space to share our stories. Now helping us fulfill that mission is our partnership with the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. The Campaign helps women and men prepare to speak out about abortion in safety for the benefit of others.
This week we welcomed Jody Duffy, Silent No More regional coordinator for Georgia. For twenty years, Jody says she was “Supermom” and appeared to have it all together. But on the inside she suffered with pain from her abortion regret until she found healing and forgiveness and she wants you to know that you can find that, too.
Jody’s abortion played a strong role in cutting short her career in the military. She wrote recently about her work to help service members in light of the military’s abortion policy:
What is the abortion policy of the military? Currently, the United States government bans the use of Department of Defense funds for the performance of abortions except when the mother’s life is in danger. It currently bans the performance of abortion at any US Military hospital or other medical facility except where the life of the mother is in danger. A service woman who becomes pregnant overseas must seek out a local clinic at her own expense or return to the US. In the states she must also seek out a local clinic and pay out of pocket.
Jody proposes that the answer is not to increase access, but to offer true support and alternatives to abortion.
We discussed Jody’s efforts to engage the spiritual leadership–chaplains and others–to address the critical needs of the abortion-vulnerable and the post-abortive within the active ranks.
Effective sidewalk counseling is preventing abortion and saving lives