When we launched Cradle My Heart Radio in 2012, a large part of our mission and vision was to create a safe space to share our stories. Now helping us fulfill that mission is our partnership with the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. The Campaign helps women and men prepare to speak out in safety for the benefit of others.
This week we welcomed Jacquie Stalnaker, Silent No More Regional Coordinator for Alabama. Jacquie is also an accomplished media professional, serving as Executive Director at Ignatius Productions with Father Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
Many women have shared stories of coerced abortions on Cradle My Heart Radio, and the range of experiences is vast and deep. Some were subtly manipulated with unspoken threats that important relationships would end, others were threatened economically with being thrown out of the house or cut off from access to bank accounts and credit. Seldom, though, do we hear of the outright physical threats of violence which may accompany a forced abortion.
Jacquie’s harrowing story will open your eyes to the circumstances so many women face when abortion is no choice at all.
For the final segment of our show tonight we were joined by Rebecca Kiesling, who is a passionate and articulate defender of life. Rebecca Kiessling is an attorney, wife, mother of five, and international pro-life speaker, sharing her story of having been conceived in rape and nearly aborted at two back-alley abortions.
She’s also a stakeholder in the cultural debate about what is best for women who have been victimized by rape and/or incest.
Her interest lies in the fact that she was conceived in rape. Rebecca’s unique perspective not only puts a face on the debate, but she also gives voice to the anguish of the crimes of rape and incest. Her story is a powerful example of trusting God to bring beauty and goodness out of the worst suffering imaginable.