The field of psychology is perceived by many to be extraordinarily secular. Some Christians avoid the field completely and discourage the use of psychiatrists and counselors. According to Amy Simpson when done right, Christian counselors can provide their clients with the best of both worlds.

“Assuming you’ve got a highly qualified counselor, they are able to mesh faith concerns and support a person’s spiritual life as well as supporting them emotionally and mentally.”

There are many Christian counselors who are equipped to help those who are struggling on a number of levels, and there is absolutely no shame in asking for their help.

“The idea that we would be suspicious of, or discourage people from seeing them is unconscionable.”

For pastors and other church leaders, it is essential to build relationships with medical and mental health practitioners so that they can refer members of their congregation to reputable professionals.

Pastors should consider coming alongside a church member who is struggling.

“It’s a fantastic idea for someone in that church who is connected with that individual or family to ask for permission to partner with that person to talk to the mental health professional.”

Most professionals will gladly welcome a partnership with faith leaders to help offer more holistic care to their client.

“They want to know that their patients are supported, so they’re perfectly willing to do that.”

“Just having more faith” won’t always help resolve mental or emotional complications. Sometimes intervention from a mental healthy specialist is exceedingly helpful to help the hurting.

Highlight: Is Christian counseling misunderstood?

Mental health and the church