How do we truly connect with God through prayer? We can learn to refocus our prayers on God’s priorities versus our priorities through God-focused, worship-based prayer. Renewal leader, author, and pastor Daniel Henderson joins us to teach us about Transforming Prayer: How Everything Changes When You Seek God’s Face.

So, why do you pray?

Daniel prays not to get things from God, but to have time with God. He shares his own experience of going through seminary and being trained in hermeneutics, salvation, the doctrine of Christ, how to preach. “I’d had seven years of training… but realized I had no training when it came to prayer. The early church leaders gave themselves continually to prayer.” Daniel asked God to show him what it meant to really pray.

In a culture that “panders to consumerism,” prayer for the Christian has become interaction with a vending machine. Daniel offers some principles on how to seek God’s face rather than chase God’s hand.

Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, worship-based prayer.
Daniel says, prayer is a two-way conversation. Who should start it first? Start with the Word, and let God speak first.

Don’t ask God for things right away.
Start by worshiping Him, and “ascribing to the LORD the glory due His Name.” Think about a specific attribute of God and how He has manifested that in your life that day.

Use the Lord’s Prayer as a guide.
Adoration, surrender, and petition. “The most basic form of prayer is that He is worthy, and I am needy.”

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name – Upward with reverence

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven – Downward with surrender

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us – Inward with our confession and daily needs

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil – Outward with our plea to avoid temptation and prepare our hearts for battle

Go into God’s presence, worship Him, and let the Holy Spirit bring certain issues up into your heart.

Highlight – Transforming prayer

Transforming prayer

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