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Wendie Pett

The power of preparation

I just got back from a health immersion in Florida where I’m blessed to teach and train people about Visibly Fit™ a couple times a year. If I were to highlight just one word that was used most frequently at the conference by the doctors and speakers …that word would be – PREPARED! Not only because the conference comprised mainly of prepared…


Think before you eat

MIND: Over the weekend I was taking my teenage son for a sleepover and he made an absent-minded choice of placing his computer bag behind the car (for whatever reason) while he ran back inside the house to grab something. In the meantime…Yes, you may have guessed it. I backed the car out of the garage running right over the computer.…


The truth about Thanksgiving calories

Hello – Coach Wendie here to share Visibly Fit™ mind, body, and spirit tips with you this week. And this week we’re discussing those Thanksgiving calories. MIND: With the Thanksgiving holiday in just a few days, many are thinking about the meal that will be served. From the turkey to the stuffing to the traditional family…


Exercise at your desk

Incorporate small, simple actions throughout your day and make your workouts work for you during your workday.


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