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How technology shapes our faith

Craig Detweiler says how we use technology shapes our faith in more ways than we realize. He joins Neil to unpack the connection between God and technology.



We are rebuilding the Tower of Babel, only this time we are not using bricks and mortar, but silicon chips and genetic engineering.


A very “selfie” world

It’s a good word for our day, as without a doubt, it has become a very “selfie” world. Or as Christopher Lasch presciently noted, ours is a culture of narcissism.



The Mark of the Beast?

[The beast]…forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,  so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name” (Rev 13:16-17).  A 2007 NBC video has resurfaced on the Internet and is making…


The ultimate parental dilemma

I stumbled across this article a couple days ago and since then have waffled back and forth on that parental dilemma I think we all wrestle with so much: the struggle of protecting your kids versus personal space/trust. My mom sometimes gripes what a pain it is to have to deal with car seats for my kids now, “back when we were kids we didn…


50 ways to love your pastor!

Pay your pastor as well as you possibly can! Overwhelm them with generosity! Be sure your pastor has at least one day off a week – then make sure it is taken! Provide adequate paid vacation. Encourage your pastor in continuing education and spiritual enrichment, providing both time and finances. Make sure conferences and…

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Living on the Edge

Chip Ingram
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