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Afternoons with Bill Arnold

July 12, Hour 1

Early Morning Late Show July 12
  • A study Bible from African scholars for Africa, and us all - Matthew Elliot
  • Did Donald Trump Jr. collude with Russia? - Kent Kaiser

July 11, Hour 2

Early Morning Late Show July 11
  • The fight for the life of Charlie Gard - David Stevens
  • Any hope for healthcare and tax reform in this Congress? - Rob Bluey

July 11, Hour 1

Early Morning Late Show July 11
  • Why North Korea is #1 on world persecution list - David Curry
  • Christ's supremacy v. universalism - Jeff Verdoorn

July 10, Hour 2

Early Morning Late Show July 10
  • Being in hate - how hate alters the mind - Dr. Linda Mintle
  • Trump and his speech in Poland - Paul Kengor

July 10, Hour 1

Early Morning Late Show July 10
  • Headhunter News - a humorous look at the headlines - Patrick Albanese
  • ISIS is waning, but recovery for the Church in Mideast still slow coming - Ruth Kramer

July 7, Hour 2

Early Morning Late Show July 7
  • Reviews of Spiderman and Despicable Me 3, plus "phubbing" - Adam Holz
  • What makes America great? - Chris Martin

July 7, Hour 1

Early Morning Late Show July 7
  • Would Jesus "make the cake?" - Carmen LaBerge
  • Americans largely agree that morality is in decline - Alex McFarland

July 6, Hour 2

Early Morning Late Show July 16
  • Importance of intentional fatherhood - Greg Bourgand
  • The Night of Nets and the fight against malaria - Chip Huber

July 6, Hour 1

Early Morning Late Show July 6
  • North Korea's latest missile test and Trump at the G20 - David Aikman
  • The fight for the life of Baby Charlie Gard - Kim Ketola

July 5, Hour 2

Early Morning Late Show July 5
  • The things business owners do that demoralize their employees - Bill English
  • The "totalitarian" tide - David Wheaton

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