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Afternoons with Bill Arnold

July 19, Hour 1

Early Morning Late Show July 19
  • When changing nothing changes everything - Laurie Polich Short
  • Responding to tweet "some of the most Christian folks I know in life are atheists" - Kent Kaiser

July 18, Hour 2

Early Morning Late Show July 18
  • Why the GOP legislative bottleneck? - Ben Johnson
  • Trump's trip to France / Baby Gard update - David Aikman

July 18, Hour 1

Early Morning Late Show July 18
  • The road ahead for reforming healthcare - Jean Morrow
  • Switching churches? The good and the bad reason - Andy Veith

July 17, Hour 1

Early Morning Late Show July 17
  • Headhunter News - a humorous look at the headlines - Patrick Albanese
  • Senate Healthcare vote delayed / Don Trump Jr.'s "collusion" with Russia - Adam Carrington

July 14, Hour 2

Early Morning Late Show July 14
  • 30th anniversary of U2's "Joshua Tree" album / Christians creating culture - Mike Cosper
  • The power of a story well-told - Josh Riebock

July 14, Hour 1

Early Morning Late Show July 14
  • Praying with the President / what is "hate" - Carmen LaBerge
  • The dumbing down of a high school critical thinking course - Rosemary Stein

July 13, Hour 2

Early Morning Late Show July 13
  • Buffet discipleship leads to spiritual malnourishment - Wendy Martin
  • Biblical considerations in tax reform - Anne Bradley

July 13, Hour 1

Early Morning Late Show July 13
  • iPhone's 10th birthday: how it has changed our brains, society, and souls - Tony Reinke
  • Charlie Gard update / birth control does not reduce abortion rate - Kim Ketola

July 12, Hour 2

Early Morning Late Show July 12
  • Why keeping yourself pure is important to the success of your business - Bill English
  • What do you say to one who says they believe in Jesus, their life doesn't show it - Mark Muska

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