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Lisa Morrone, PT

Downsizing in the New Year

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve—the theme of these gatherings spent with friends and family can be summed up with the popular phrase:  “Go big or go home!” However, if we are honest, what occurred over the holidays is that we “Got big; then went home!” I believe that scaling back in the food intake department should be…


Will the real sinus headache please stand up?

Growing up I remember watching the popular game show, What’s My Line? The program began by announcing that one of the four panelists had an interesting career, such as an astronaut. The other three panelists were “posers” (imposters). The contestant’s job was to question the bunch, and when the allotted time was up, they had to guess…


Supplements that calm joint inflammation

Many people have achy joints they must contend with. For some, their joint pain is short lived—brought on by an aggravating activity or by fluctuations in the weather. For others, their joint pain is a chronic, daily irritant. If your joint pain comes and goes, but is “gone” more than “on”, you would probably due best to rest, apply…


Should you be thankful for pain?

During Thanksgiving season we are often directed to reflect on the things for which we are grateful for. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that none of you have ever thought to include PAIN on your “I’m thankful for…” list. Yet, God created us with the ability to feel pain. Therefore, since God creates only good things, pain must…


Squash your dinner plans tonight!

Tis the season for some squash—not the racquet game, but rather the giant ‘fruit of the vine’. To celebrate the autumn’s harvest we Americans typically display these grand fruits on our front doorsteps, or use the miniature varieties in our tablescapes. If you are like most of the people I know, you have probably haven’t invited…


Are you standing on a short leg?

Most of my patients are caught completely off-guard when I tell them that that one of their legs is significantly shorter than the other. As their physical therapist I know that their inherent “unevenness” may have created or has compounded the pain complaints that the patient has come to be treated for. In the adult population,…


The wonders of watermelon

When I was a child, I didn’t believe that watermelon had a redeeming quality—beyond using its seeds as a projectile arsenal of sorts. You see, those very same seeds made eating watermelon so tedious, that I steered clear of this fruit for close to two decades! Then something glorious (and likely, genetically altered) happened:…


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