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Janelle Keith

Church camp mathematics

I think I was about five when I had my first church camp encounter. My mom worked in the kitchen as was part of the food crew, my dad was a counselor and he ran the canteen. The canteen was the hot spot for making new relationships. It was an oasis of the popular and the dreamy. A snack king’s wish, yes, but the place to wait for what the…


The secret to life

Life is wearing and makes us weary. Each part of it with work, home, family, church…you name it. It wears us out. I think I have found the secret. Why do we tend to wear the burdens that are supposed to be God’s, those that Scripture refers to as “light and easy”? The secret is that we want to accomplish life’s…


What my cat never learned

I was trying to train my cat once. He never got it right. Each time I did sit ups in the middle of the living room he would try to claw my arm flesh off. Evidently I was crowding in on his run-of-the-entire-house-territory. Even 30 minutes on 3 days a week was a great bother to him. I tried to teach him to obey me, but he wasn’t interested.…


Forever Promises

When thinking about adventures in faith, taking next steps without clear direction or guidance seems risky. Am I the only one who likes to have God’s plan marked out in sharpie on a triplicate hard copy for all parties involved? Humm…I thought so. There are no guarantees of a neat tidy journey wrapped up with pink bows and rainbows.…


My opposite way

Change…Why don’t we want to change? Change is hard. Do we not think that we are capable? Do you trust God enough to bring great results from change? Or is it because we are afraid of change itself? Those are some hard hitting questions that I have cross-examined myself with and the answers I came up with, before God, were…


Wading through worry

How many days have you woke up with worry? Too many days to count? I love the charge that Jesus gives in Matthew 6 about the worry waters of life. Ever notice how He gives us instructions about what to do about worry? Side note: when there is a “Therefore” in God’s word, it’s a red flag to see what it’s there…


One Good Friday

The ladies hurried in and started removing items one by one. The lights were dim in the room that brought a quiet solitude. Everyone was reverently sitting and watching. One by one the candles disappeared, the flowers were next, then the cross that was centered on the veiled stone altar. In only a few minutes, nothing was left but the…


Some reasons to get out of bed today

If you are like me you are running on empty most days, and your to-do list just keeps growing and growing.  Most days are overwhelming with a cumulative list of tasks. Ever get to the point of thinking twice about getting out of bed?  The doorway to depression is often calling your name, beckoning your heart to just succumb to the pressure…


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