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Janelle Keith


Speak Life

tobyMac has a song that reminds of what I learned to do waaayyyy back when… It’s called “Speak Life”. And from the first time I heard it, it’s reminded me of my victory of when I started to give myself some grace. It has literally spoken life…to my heart and it has changed the way I feel about me,…


Adventures in waiting

The other day my first born found out the gender of her soon-to-be second born child. Ahhhh…there was a sigh of relief once we all felt the confirmation that baby number two was fine, healthy and of course what gender it was. It was hard to wait. In my days of having two babies we didn’t know what we were giving birth to. We…


Candy Land wisdom

As my daughter unfolded the new Candy Land game from the box, the anticipation was building in her young little helper. Avery waited…but really he just wanted to get his hands on the spinner. I could see it in his eyes. Actually, his little 3-year-old anxiety was wanting to touch the spinner, the game pieces, and the board. All…


Can’t someone else do that, God?

One of my pet peeves is those rogue shopping carts just end up hanging out in the wild open parking lots. It’s not like they just take off with a mind of their own you know on some escape route that leads them to freedom. No….someone left them there, with no thought of walking them to their proper return stalls. Does this bother…


The stillness in Psalm 46:10

Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Am I the only one who has a “being still” problem? What does “being still” really mean? And how are we supposed to be still when there is so much that has to be done? I think it means to…


Do you have a discontented heart?

Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content. -Helen Keller It is through the loss of what we have falsely hidden our comforts in, that we find true contentment for our hearts. In that loss we loose everything, and in that we find Christ; and a decision to make. Do…


What I wish I could say to every teenage girl

This past year has been full of a lot of changes for me. This picture is very reflective of my heart changing process. There has been some great spiritual changes, and some long time coming. My pastor says that “we may impress people with our strengths, but we connect emotionally with our weakness.” So get ready for some…


Joy in your journey home

Avery wrote a Target Haiku. For some reason when he and his mommy go to Target he thinks of me, his Grammy. I don’t know where he got that but I am loving that he does. The miles between us create a distance that our hearts bridge. It’s hard for this little one to be away from his Grammy, just like it is for me. He gets such joy from…


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Living on the Edge

Chip Ingram
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