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Church + Culture


Religious freedom

Religious freedom can no longer be assumed in our nation, as campus ministries, health care centers, and businesses face challenges.



Beating big abortion

One of the greatest barriers to overcoming Big Abortion is the fact that it’s influence in the political arena is so vast.



A gay son’s journey to God

Christopher Yuan was living a gay lifestyle, all the while his praying mother refused to give up on her son. Listen in as he shares his story of redemption.



Christians and the environment

Views on environmental care widen with each new study. Is there an approach that takes the Scriptures seriously in promoting a policy of good stewardship?



Prison ministry

The US is the incarceration capitol of the world. Despite our extensive laws against crime, we know transformation must come from the heart.


If churches shut down

People across the United States are finding out what it means for their life when the government shuts down. But what if churches shut down?


First things first

Have you heard what Brown University is asking applicants for the Class of 2017 as an essay prompt? French novelist Anatole France wrote: “An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t.”…


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On the Air

Daily Hope

with Rick Warren

Evening Programs

Daily Hope

Rick Warren

The Alternative

Tony Evans

Family Life Today

Dave and Ann Wilson

Encounter the Truth

Jonathan Griffiths

Turning Point

David Jeremiah

Insight for Living

Chuck Swindoll

Open the Bible

Colin Smith

Moments of Promise

Susie Larson

Intentional Living

Randy Carlson

Cleaning up the clutter in your life

With faith, hope and clarity, Bill Arnold welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian leaders to help us grow deeper in our faith. Bill Arnold brings hope and humor to conversations about current events, big ideas, and God’s work and redemption. Each weekday afternoon, Bill welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Breaking the cycle of co-dependency

With faith, hope and clarity, Bill Arnold welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian leaders to help us grow deeper in our faith. Bill Arnold brings hope and humor to conversations about current events, big ideas, and God’s work and redemption. Each weekday afternoon, Bill welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Letting go of regret and moving forward

With faith, hope and clarity, Bill Arnold welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian leaders to help us grow deeper in our faith. Bill Arnold brings hope and humor to conversations about current events, big ideas, and God’s work and redemption. Each weekday afternoon, Bill welcomes Bible scholars, teachers, and Christian…

Dr. Linda Mintle




Daily Hope

Rick Warren
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