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Sharing our faith with confidence

Sharing our faith can be intimidating, but it’s important to remember that God is using us as a vessel to point others towards the love of Jesus Christ.


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Faith Radio


Cleaning up the clutter in your life

How do we get ready to talk to them about our faith? Before anything else we need to prepare our hearts for conversations about faith. Mary Schaller says there are three arts to remember and cultivate when we are preparing to share our faith.  These arts all take place before we talk or interact with others and help to open our hearts…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Letting go of regret and moving forward

How do we get ready to talk to them about our faith? Before anything else we need to prepare our hearts for conversations about faith. Mary Schaller says there are three arts to remember and cultivate when we are preparing to share our faith.  These arts all take place before we talk or interact with others and help to open our hearts…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Breaking the cycle of co-dependency

How do we get ready to talk to them about our faith? Before anything else we need to prepare our hearts for conversations about faith. Mary Schaller says there are three arts to remember and cultivate when we are preparing to share our faith.  These arts all take place before we talk or interact with others and help to open our hearts…

Dr. Linda Mintle



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