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Spiritual Growth

The storm inside

Do you let your emotions control you? Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by fear or pride that we lose sight of the truth that God is our Rock. On this edition of Live the Promise Susie talks with author and Women of Faith speaker Sheila Walsh about her book, The Storm Inside. She helps us recover the truth that God’s hand is on us and we are…

Susie Larson



It’s not too late for you to find God’s love today

Are you struggling to overcome a painful past? This week we’ll bring you encouragement and equipping to persevere in hope. Many of us feel defeated by the circumstances of our early life. If you were abused or neglected there may be a default belief that you are unworthy to be cared for and loved. But the story of Jesus Christ alive in…


Chasing God

Do you go through the motions of going to church and praying without feeling like you really know God? On this edition of Live the Promise Susie’s guest is author and Women of Faith speaker Angie Smith. She shares her own journey of  and what it means to have a real relationship with Him. One day Angie was in her closet, praying and seeking…

Susie Larson


Encouragement for the hard times

We wonder how we’ll carry on after the day the bottom dropped out. For you, it may have been the day of a financial crisis, a bad diagnosis, an accident, or your spouse walking out. Listen as Susie talks with bestselling author and pastor Max Lucado. He unpacks the biblical story of Joseph, and how God worked through his circumstances…

Susie Larson


Facing your fears

For many women, fear can be a force that paralyzes them and keeps them from living in true freedom. Listen to Susie’s conversation with radio host Christin Ditchfield. We talk about the negative effects of living in fear, and how to use the Word of God to move past it. Christin’s book is What Women Should Know About Facing Fear. Christin…

Susie Larson


How do you connect with God?

Does the idea of sitting quietly with a devotional seem hard for you? Maybe you connect with God more through worship music, or time outdoors. On the weekend edition of Live the Promise, Susie talks with author and speaker Gary Thomas about Sacred Pathways. We look at how God wired each of us to connect with Him in a deep and meaningful…

Susie Larson



The power of a woman

“Within every woman there is a fierceness that God has placed within us in order to fulfill our calling.” God calls women to be fierce and tender at the same time, in a uniquely feminine way. What does that look like? How can we be tender without being passive? Kimberly Wagner shares her own experiences and lessons learned…



The practice of affirmation

Are some people wired to affirm others, or is it a learned habit? Are you striving to be more grateful and affirming in this year? Sam Crabtree, executive pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, is an ‘affirmation advocate’ and he helps us see the value of Practicing Affirmation—and the price to pay if we don’t. We review practical…


Do you have faith, or the opposite of it?

I’ve always felt like I’ve had a good amount of faith.  But whenever anyone would share the incredible miracles of what God did for them, I’d think “well, that’s good for them, but that won’t ever happen to me!”   I was especially skeptical of those stories where people said they got…


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