Sue Edwards is associate professor of Christian education with a specialization is women’s studies at Dallas Theological Seminary where she has the opportunity to equip men and women for future ministry. She brings more than thirty years of experience into the classroom as a Bible teacher, curriculum writer, and overseer of several megachurch women’s ministries. As minister to women at Irving Bible Church and director of women’s ministry at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, she has worked with women from all walks of life, ages and stages.

Her passion is to see modern and postmodern women connect, learn from one another and bond around God’s Word. Her Bible studies have ushered thousands of women all over the country and overseas into deeper Scripture study and community experiences.

Edwards has a doctor of ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Boston and a master’s in Bible from Dallas Theological Seminary. With Dr. Joye Baker, she oversees the Dallas Theological Seminary doctor of ministry degree in Christian education with a women-in-ministry emphasis.