Brandon O’Brien is the Director of OBU at New Life Church and Assistant Professor of Christian Theology at Ouachita Baptist University.

He is passionate about writing and speaking within his specific spheres of influence including, Christian publishing, academics, ministry, and personal formation—into fruitful conversation.

He received his B.A. Ouachita Baptist University, M.A. from Wheaton College Graduate School, and Ph.D. from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

He is active in Christian publishing. His first book, The Strategically Small Church, was a finalist in the 2010 Leadership Book Awards. His second book, Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes, co-authored with Randy Richards, was named a Hearts and Minds best-of for 2012. I have also written for Leadership, Christianity TodayRelevant, and the Out of Ur blog.

His favorite role is as husband to the beautiful and talented Amy O’Brien and father of Jamie and Eliza.
