What are the characteristics of God’s love? Scripture says that God does not just love, He is love. Scripture also says if we are His followers, we will show His love to those around us.

The only way we can share God’s love is if we ourselves accept the love God has already extended to us.

This week on Live the Promise, we had a chance to dive into several aspects of God’s love brought to us by our guests.

God’s unconditional love

Bob and Audrey Meisner co-authored  . They share their amazing testimony of marriage, infidelity, and restoration. Through their story, Bob Meisner showed several aspects of God’s unconditional love that often fly under the radar. He showed self-sacrificial love refusing to blame Audrey for her infidelity and instead taking ownership for his part in the crisis. He also reflected God’s love when he chose to forgive, cover, and continue to love Audrey in her moment of greatest need.

Listen to this interview here.

God’s love fulfills

Robia Scott is the author of . She explores how we often fall into the trap of seeking comfort and fulfillment through the things of this world, instead of finding fulfillment in the true love of God that He longs to lavish upon us. Nothing on this earth will satisfy us like resting in the love of God.

Listen to this interview here.

God’s love is involved

Peter and Carolyn Haas of Substance Church explain how God loves us so much that He yearns to be intimately involved in our everyday lives. God is not detached from our lives. He is intimately aware of the minute details of life and personally involved in every circumstance we face. In addition, He is a God who can relate to all of the pain and suffering we face on this earth. Why? Because He sent His one and only Son, fully human, to suffer and die in our stead.

Listen to this interview here.

God’s love sees the best

Neil Cole is the author of . He explains how true love sees what God sees in others as opposed to what the world sees. God sees His followers through the lens of His Son, He sees us as washed clean by the precious blood of Jesus Christ who lived a sinless life because we couldn’t.

Listen to this interview here.