What’s your greatest struggle in life? Is there something you just can’t seem to conquer? This week on Live the Promise, our guest’s each discussed different things that Christians wrestle with on a daily basis.


Kelly Balarie says that many Christians fight fear for their entire lives yet never find any real freedom. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. Kelly encourages us to think of fearlessness as just fearing less than the time before. We don’t become fearless overnight, it’s a process. When we feel afraid, our job is to take God’s hand and choose to walk down a different path with him. Fear itself isn’t bad, it’s what we do when we are afraid that makes all the difference. Kelly Balarie is the author of .

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Do you feel like you’re in danger of having an affair? Dave Carder says that if you answered no to this question, you’re probably in more danger than if you had answered yes. The fact of the matter is, we’re all in danger of slipping away from our spouse and entering into an adulterous relationship. That’s why Dave says it’s imperative that couples intentionally pour into each other on a daily basis, so that the enemy has no foothold to pull them apart. Dave is the author of .

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Do you ever feel like God is late or that He’s not on the same timeline as you? If so, you’re not alone. Liz Curtis Higgs says that waiting is a common aspect of the Christian life and unfortunately, that means it’s also something many Christians wrestle with. She says it’s helpful to remember that the wait isn’t a waste. While we wait, God is preparing us for whatever He has in store. Liz Curtis Higgs in the author of .

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The future

Have you ever seriously wondered if you would be alive at the end of the day? Chances are, most of us probably haven’t. However, that wasn’t the case for author Julie Manning. Her rare heart disorder kept her wondering if any day could be her last. As Christians, even though we have the hope of eternity, we can still wrestle with thoughts about the future. Julie says that she finds it therapeutic to remind herself that she doesn’t really control anything anyway. God, in His sovereignty, is in complete control. Julie is the author of .

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