The Road to Emmaus….A Play About Redemption

If only we could have been there when the risen Jesus used Old Testament scriptures to teach two travelers about how the Messiah had to suffer and die so that mankind could be redeemed. This play is a dramatic reenactment of Luke chapter 24:13-31. (It is written for high school youth groups and Bible students to perform without any prior practice. We need 3 actors; two travelers and Jesus, an adult story teller/director, an audience seated in a circle, a table and 2 sunglasses.)

Jesus suffered, died and rose from the dead so that our sin debt could be paid in full. No longer would God see our sins because Jesus paid the penalty for us. He is my redeemer and because of him, I will be in heaven someday. This is my faith. I have embraced it from my childhood. I have seen God work in my life. I believe.

Things were not as easy for the early Christians. Jesus’ supporters and witnesses to his suffering, death and resurrection, were scared and in hiding. The Rabbis they looked to for spiritual guidance had just crucified Jesus. It was a time of confusion. Who should they believe? They had seen Jesus’ miracles, and heard his teachings and parables, yet they couldn’t grasp the bigger picture of God’s plan for their salvation.

Our story takes place a few days after Jesus rose from the dead. It begins with two travelers walking together on the road to Emmaus.
(Arrange the chairs for the audience in a circle so that the travelers can walk around the audience as they walk on the road to Emmaus. Give each traveler sunglasses to put on and start walking now.)

As they walked, they debated passionately about everything that had just happened.
While they were conversing and debating, Jesus began to walk with them but their eyes were prevented from recognizing him by God. (Symbolized by sunglasses.)

Jesus asked, “What are you discussing as you walk along?”

The two travelers stopped and looked at him. The expressions on their faces showed that they couldn’t believe anyone could ask such a ridiculous question. (Storyteller tells travelers to look surprised.)

One of the travelers named Cleopas said sarcastically, “Are you the only person in Jerusalem who does not know of the things that have happened here in the past few days?

Jesus replied, “What sort of things?”

The second traveler said to him, “The things that happened to Jesus the Nazarene, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, how our chief priests and rulers both handed him over to a sentence of death and crucified him.

Cleopas interrupted, “We were hoping that he would be the one to redeem Israel. Besides all this, it is now the third day since this took place. Some women from our group have astounded us. They were at the tomb early in the morning and did not find his body. They came back and reported that they had seen a vision of angels who said that Jesus was alive.”

The second traveler said excitedly, “We have trusted friends who went to the tomb and found things just as the women had described, but they did not see Jesus.”

Jesus said to them,” What do the prophets say about the coming Messiah who would redeem Israel? Don’t the scriptures teach that it was necessary that he should suffer before he enters into his glory?”

Looking puzzled, the travelers stopped.

Jesus continued “In the book of Exodus, God instructed Moses to kill a perfect lamb and spread the blood over each Jewish doorway. The blood of the lamb would protect those under it from the wrath of God.”
Cleopas said, “Yes. That is why we celebrate Passover every year. It is when the angel of death “Passed Over” the Jewish houses marked with the blood of the perfect lamb. The unmarked homes experienced the death of each first born child in the home. “

Jesus said, “Yes, the blood of the perfect lamb saved the people from God’s wrath. Do you remember what was said when John the Baptist baptized Jesus? “

The second traveler said, “Yes, in front of a crowd of people, I saw him baptize Jesus in the Jordan River. John the Baptist said, Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.”

The three men started walking again. The travelers understood the teaching from Moses about the sacrifice of the perfect lamb which would save them from the wrath of God. They knew Jesus was a miracle worker and a prophet sent by God. Could he really be the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world? Jesus continued with a quote from Isaiah the prophet, from the ancient scriptures.

Jesus said, “It was foretold to you 700 years ago by Isaiah that the Messiah would be” hated and rejected. He would be a man of sorrows and would suffer. He would carry our griefs and sorrows, yet we did not appreciate his sacrifice. He was pierced for our sins. He was bruised for our inequities. It is by his suffering that we are healed. “

The two travelers invited Jesus to stay and have dinner with them. (All sit at table.) It was at dinner, when Jesus broke the bread………. and said the blessing…………… that their eyes were opened!!!!!!! ….and they took off their sunglasses now!
…..and they recognized Jesus!!!!!!…………………………….but he vanished from their sight.

(Story teller motions to Jesus to vanish.)


How did the resurrected Jesus in our story, witness to the travelers? (Ask questions, wait to be invited, not pushy, interested in other’s opinions, a good listener.)

How did Jesus help the travelers to understand God’s plan for the Messiah to suffer and bear the sins of the world? (He quoted scripture.)

How should you witness to others? (Just like Jesus!)