Lights, camera, action! Worship in our culture is becoming more and more of a multimedia entertainment experience with lights, smoke machines, and other concert-esque accouterments intended to enhance the worship experience.

Does all this technology in church worship do more harm than good? Dennis Cho of North Coast Church discusses the fine line of media ministry.

“We are just trying to make Jesus louder and make Him seen more easily by the people that come to our church.”

Many people believe that worship has devolved into a show or concert and has lost touch with the true reason for worship.

While this might be true, Dennis believes that if done right, these tools— that can make worship a spectacle— can also enhance the experience without detracting from the message.

“These are just tools to do that, do we have to use them? No, but when they are used the right way it can enhance the experience.”

Dennis admits that some churches do take it over the top, but the real issue is when the performance aspect becomes more important than the message of the Gospel.

 “The toys become the drive instead of the message.”

When put in it’s appropriate place below the message of the Gospel, technology can play an important role in creating an engaging worship experience.

“There is a way to create a mood and an atmosphere, people are driven by feelings and you can create that mood with sound, lights, visual aids, hopefully drawing you closer to what you’re trying to do.”

Should we need to enter a specific atmosphere in order to be able to worship and feel God’s presence? Feeling the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life isn’t just a feeling.

However, if the message of Jesus Christ comes through loud and clear, should Christians refrain from utilizing the tools and technology they have at their disposal to help make the worship experience compelling and engaging?

Highlight: Examining our culture of multimedia worship

Media and worship