Have you ever felt you’ve spread yourself so thin that you’ve lost focus of God’s plan for your life?
Kevin Ezell, President of the North American Mission Board, share how refocusing on God can breathe new life into our lives and our ministry.
The North American Mission Board was often criticized for being an ambiguous organization with no solid direction or purpose; Kevin took on the dubious task of revolutionizing and refocusing the organization.
“We determined that our focus was going to be church planting and there are some things that fell outside of that focus.”
The things that fell outside of the main purpose of the organization were cut. According to Kevin it was the worst two years of his life and he had many hard conversations with great people explain the organizations choice.
“What you do is very important; it’s just not what we do anymore.”
Consolidating and focusing the mission of NAMB was bumpy and sometimes controversial for Kevin to say the least. However, he knows that the organization is better equipped to accomplish its mission for God.
This concept of refocusing can be applied to any organization as well as the life of every Christian.
As Christians, instead of trying to do a million things at once, we should seek to understand where our gifts intersect with our passions for focus on that.
If we spread ourselves too thin, we run the risk of ceasing to be effective in any of the tasks God has given us. In addition, we miss out on the joy that comes from knowingly participating in God’s glorious plan for our lives.
Is today the day to refocus your life and rediscover the specific gifts and passions God has given you?
If so, take a step out in faith, dive into the scripture and ask God to help reveal to you His plan for your life, you might be surprised by what you find.