After my abortion I knew that I needed a pastor’s help. Even though I had been wandering far from God in the months and years leading up to my choice, my deepest heart’s cry was to be reconciled to God and to my lost child. Although Jesus Christ is able to minister directly to our hearts, I’ve not yet met a woman who is able to find this reconciliation on her own. We need the company of others who are healed, and the authority of those who have searched out the Scriptures to provide the basis for our hope of healing.
Dr. Ray Pritchard brings a pastor’s heart to the problem of abortion. He models compassionate leadership and effective empathy in helping us apply the truth of God’s word to our every day lives.
Dr. Pritchard talked about healing encounters with Jesus in the gospels, and how we can appropriate those ministry moments for our needs today, especially in light of the spiritual and emotional problems which follow in the aftermath of abortion.
A pastor’s heart on the problem of abortion
From Ray’s bio:
Dr. Ray Pritchard serves as the president of Keep Believing Ministries. He is a graduate of Tennessee Temple University (B.A.), Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M.) and Talbot School of Theology (D.Min.). Ministering extensively overseas, speaking at conferences, and appearing on Christian radio and television talk shows, Dr. Pritchard focuses on evangelism and encouragement to spread the hope of Jesus Christ through all the world. For 27 years he pastored churches in Los Angeles, Dallas and Chicago, and most recently served at Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, Illinois. Dr. Pritchard is the author of twenty-seven books, including An Anchor for the Soul, Stealth Attack, Names of the Holy Spirit, and Credo. Ray and his wife, Marlene, have three sons.