As Christians, we need to be utterly dependent on God for our past, present, and especially our future. When we rely completely on God, we find peace in the midst of even the greatest storms of life.

Bill English explains how focusing on the sovereignty of God can help us withstand anxiety about the future.

“Isn’t that the case for all Christians? We need to be fully dependent upon God and have a peace that in the midst of uncertainty, we know that we are rock solid in the Lord?”

Many Christians live in a perpetual state of anxiety and fear. They have never felt the peace of God in their lives, but why?

When we are anxious about what the future holds, we are telling God that we don’t trust him to provide for us. We are uncertain how our life is going to look and we panic because we realize it might not meet our expectations.

“Uncertainty should drive us to our knees and uncertainty should drive us to the sovereignty of God.”

We might not be sure how our life is going to look in the future, but we can be certain that God will always have our best interest in mind if we pursue Him with everything we have.

“When everything is under his control and I know that he loves us more than life itself, then I can trust him regardless of the uncertainty in the swirl of life. He is working everything out for good and for my best.”

God is more interested in who we are than what we can do. He wants us to recognize our rightful standing in life and submit our entire lives to His will. God will not call us until we are the type of people he wants us to be.

“It’s like a block of granite, sometimes he’s going to chip away large chunks but other times he’s going to slowly grind, and it might take years because you’re in a position where he says , ‘Okay, now I can use you mightily.’”

God will not force us to be honed into people he can use to further his kingdom; we have to submit to it ourselves. Take time each day to fill your life God’s Word and remember His promise to draw near to those who draw near to Him.

Highlight: Are you anxious about the future?

God’s sovereignty & our anxiety