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Missing money

Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands that they may have something to share with those in need. (Ephesians 4:28) It’s time for another listener question. “I’m almost sure my 12 year old daughter stole money from my purse.  What should I do?” Begin by telling your…


Are snakes biting your ankles?

Have you ever been bitten by a poisonous snake and felt its lethal effect coursing through your veins? I have. No, I never have been snagged by the fangs of a rattlesnake or cobra, but I been attacked by other kinds of snakes that inject their poison of hate, bitterness, irritation, discouragement, hopelessness, fear, depression…


A messy, scary battle with sin

It had been a long day, and I was excited to come home and have time to relax. I’d kicked off my shoes and was all ready to curl up with a good book and my journal. Casually I glanced up – and that’s when I saw it. A large black object on the ceiling above the kitchen table. It was one of my worst fears, in the flesh. Or the exoskeleton.…



8 steps to resolving conflict

Many couples go round and round in their fights, never coming to any closure or solution. Here are steps you can take if you want to resolve conflict.


Three free sins

Throughout the Bible people of God continued to sin. In our lives though, we often want to be religious and nice and pretend we have our sin under control.

Susie Larson


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