Live the Promise Audio Where does true beauty come from? God is the one who calls you beautiful. Susie Larson on May 20, 2016
Live the Promise Audio The source of self-resentment We focus on our weaknesses and failures - Jesus focuses on our redemption. Susie Larson on May 13, 2016
Dr. Bill Maier Live Audio How do you use social media? Social media is a tool that can be used for good or for evil. Have you ever thought about how you use it? Dr. Bill Maier on April 29, 2016
Dr. Bill Maier Live Audio Are you creative? Many people think that they just aren’t creative. However, the reality is that everyone was created by God with the ability to be creative. Dr. Bill Maier on April 25, 2016
Live the Promise Audio Insecurity in finances and ministry God was intentional in how He made you - and He is pleased with His work. We can train ourselves to believe that in spite of insecurities. Susie Larson on April 9, 2016
Dr. Bill Maier Live Audio How do you view your body? “You’re being bombarded by image after image, and the problem is, those images aren’t realistic they’re computer altered.” Dr. Bill Maier on April 4, 2016
The Exchange Audio Are you at the end of your rope? Do you know someone who feels hopelessly lost? Ed Stetzer on March 19, 2016
Dr. Bill Maier Live Audio The dangers of co-dependent relationships There are two sides to every co-dependent relationship, one side is always taking and the other side is always giving. Dr. Bill Maier on March 18, 2016
Dr. Bill Maier Live Audio Sexual identity according to the Gospel How do we balance standing up for true biblical sexuality while being supportive of those who are wrestling with their sexuality? Dr. Bill Maier on March 10, 2016
Audio The question-led life Jesus most often answered a question with a question. Furthermore, asking the right questions at the right time can lead to a transformed life. Neil Stavem on March 10, 2016
The Dr. Linda Mintle Show Audio Cleaning up the clutter in your life … Dr. Linda Mintle on July 6, 2024
The Dr. Linda Mintle Show Audio Breaking the cycle of co-dependency … Dr. Linda Mintle on July 13, 2024
The Dr. Linda Mintle Show Audio Letting go of regret and moving forward … Dr. Linda Mintle on August 3, 2024