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James Emery White

If churches shut down

People across the United States are finding out what it means for their life when the government shuts down. But what if churches shut down?


First things first

Have you heard what Brown University is asking applicants for the Class of 2017 as an essay prompt? French novelist Anatole France wrote: “An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don’t.”…


The Theory of Desirable Difficulty

There are a handful of authors that I have been so consistently impressed by that I feel compelled to read whatever they produce.  In fiction, there’s C.J. Sansom.  In terms of business or leadership, there’s Jim Collins. And in a genre of writing hard to describe is Malcolm Gladwell.  His typical approach is to popularize research,…


The Silence of God

Few Christians have chronicled their struggle with God more poignantly than C.S. Lewis. The famed Christian author was deeply in love with his wife, Joy.  Not long after their relationship began, she was diagnosed with cancer.  She endured a long and terrible season of illness before she died. Lewis wrote about his feelings following…


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