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James Emery White


We are rebuilding the Tower of Babel, only this time we are not using bricks and mortar, but silicon chips and genetic engineering.


A very “selfie” world

It’s a good word for our day, as without a doubt, it has become a very “selfie” world. Or as Christopher Lasch presciently noted, ours is a culture of narcissism.


The millennial mistake

Why are we focusing on Christian Millennials who leave the church in order to learn how to reach non-Christian Millennials who are not in the church?


Unplug your family

My wife and I were in a restaurant having lunch the other day with one of our sons, and couldn’t help but notice a nearby family: a mom, dad, two boys, and a daughter. The daughter was middle school age, and clearly in contemporary middle school mode:  ear buds securely in place, staring off into space.  Every aspect of her demeanor made…


Money before a watching world; managing church funds

There are few things more important to guard before a watching world than a church’s financial reputation. A church is always in the public’s eye, so it makes sense to prioritize managing church funds well. With Billy Graham’s 95th birthday, and the “My Hope” effort across the world, I was reminded how few people have maintained…


Is Google God?

Is Google God? Columnist Thomas Friedman posed this question in The New York Times in June of 2003.  Quoting the vice-president of a Wi-Fi provider, Friedman writes that “Google, combined with Wi-Fi, is a little bit like God.  God is wireless, God is everywhere and God sees and knows everything.  Throughout history, people connected…


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