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Should you be thankful for pain?

During Thanksgiving season we are often directed to reflect on the things for which we are grateful for. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that none of you have ever thought to include PAIN on your “I’m thankful for…” list. Yet, God created us with the ability to feel pain. Therefore, since God creates only good things, pain must…


How to forgive and why it’s good for you

Sheila said, “I know I’m supposed to forgive my husband for hurting me, but how exactly do I do it? I try but I still feel angry and bad thoughts come into my head. How do I know when I’ve let his offense go?” I find many believers struggle with the practical application of biblical truths. We know where we want to go, we’re just not sure how…


Do you have your God glasses on?

Have ever you prayed and prayed and prayed about something important and nothing seems to be changing?  It’s tempting during those seasons to give up, but going to God about a difficult situation doesn’t always change the situation as much as it changes the way we look at it. Oswald Chambers writes, “One of the great needs of the Christian…


Squash your dinner plans tonight!

Tis the season for some squash—not the racquet game, but rather the giant ‘fruit of the vine’. To celebrate the autumn’s harvest we Americans typically display these grand fruits on our front doorsteps, or use the miniature varieties in our tablescapes. If you are like most of the people I know, you have probably haven’t invited…


Four warning signs your teen may be in an abusive relationship

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Parents, pastors, teachers and youth pastors did you know: 40% of girls age 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend had threatened violence or self-harm if the couple…


Five things you can do to help someone that has been abused

This month is Domestic Violence Awareness month. Did you know that one in four women report some sort of abuse in her most intimate relationships? We’ve all been in situations where we have a gut feeling something isn’t quite right or someone has disclosed something to us and we’re not sure what to do. Sometimes we respond by pretending…


Are you standing on a short leg?

Most of my patients are caught completely off-guard when I tell them that that one of their legs is significantly shorter than the other. As their physical therapist I know that their inherent “unevenness” may have created or has compounded the pain complaints that the patient has come to be treated for. In the adult population,…


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Turning Point

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Dave and Ann Wilson

Living on the Edge

Chip Ingram

Truth For Life

Alistair Begg

Handling disappointment

Truth For Life teaches the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches strengthened. Led by Alistair Begg and overseen by an independent, volunteer board of trustees, Truth For Life is a Bible-teaching ministry seeking to faithfully proclaim…

Dr. Linda Mintle


The science of being charming

Truth For Life teaches the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches strengthened. Led by Alistair Begg and overseen by an independent, volunteer board of trustees, Truth For Life is a Bible-teaching ministry seeking to faithfully proclaim…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Are you mindstuck and need to change?

Truth For Life teaches the Bible with clarity and relevance so that unbelievers will be converted, believers will be established, and local churches strengthened. Led by Alistair Begg and overseen by an independent, volunteer board of trustees, Truth For Life is a Bible-teaching ministry seeking to faithfully proclaim…

Dr. Linda Mintle



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