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Afternoons with Bill Arnold

You are the light of the world

“You are the light of the world,” Jesus told His disciples. He called them, as He calls us, to let our light shine in a world so desperately searching for hope. However, all too often, we find the stress of life or self-doubt starts to dim our light, and unfortunately, we can even end up adding to the darkness. How do we keep…

Bill Arnold


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Summit Life

with J.D. Greear

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Real Recovery

Bill Arnold & George Fraser

Focal Point 

Mike Fabarez

Wisdom for the Heart

Stephen Davy

The Journey

Steve DeWitt

A New Beginning

Greg Laurie

Summit Life

J.D. Greear

Daily Hope

Rick Warren

Turning Point Weekend

David Jeremiah

Time of Grace

Mike Novotny

Truth For Life Weekend

Alistair Begg


J.D. Greear

Summit Life

J.D. Greear
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