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Headshot of Faith Radio host Susie Larson

Susie Larson Live

with Susie Larson

Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus on knowing your true worth

The world defines success as a bigger paycheck and more important-sounding job title. But God’s definition of what makes you successful is very different. Authors Michelle Myers and Somer Pheobus share from their book, “She Works His Way: A Practical Guide for Doing What Matters Most in a Get-Things-Done World.”

*Originally aired February 25, 2022*

More From Susie Larson Live

Your powerful purpose with Susie Larson

Do you ever think to yourself, “I want to do something meaningful for God, but I don’t know what to do, or how”? Susie Larson shares from her book “Your Beautiful Purpose: Discovering and Enjoying What God Can Do Through You.” She’ll share with you how to overcome insecurities, busyness, and other obstacles…


Believing what’s true with Jamie Winship

Until we exchange what’s false for what’s real, we will never experience being fully alive, fully human, and fully free. Former law enforcement officer Jamie Winship shares from his book “Living Fearless: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the Liberating Truth of God.” *Originally aired January…


God’s vision for you to thrive with Matt Chandler

You were made for this exact moment in human history. Things may look gloomy, and you may feel discouraged, but because of the promise and hope found in Scripture, you can be brave, confident, and victorious today! Pastor Matt Chandler shares from his book “The Overcomers: God’s Vision for You to Thrive in an Age of Anxiety…

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Afternoon Programs

Susie Larson Weekend

Susie Larson

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The science of being charming

The Conversation Podcast is just that: life-giving conversations between Adam Weber and his guests about the good, bad, and otherwise in life, leadership, and loving others well. It’s the story behind the story told through the eyes of household names, everyday people, and everyone in between, showing that truly everyone has…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Are you mindstuck and need to change?

The Conversation Podcast is just that: life-giving conversations between Adam Weber and his guests about the good, bad, and otherwise in life, leadership, and loving others well. It’s the story behind the story told through the eyes of household names, everyday people, and everyone in between, showing that truly everyone has…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Break the complaining habit

The Conversation Podcast is just that: life-giving conversations between Adam Weber and his guests about the good, bad, and otherwise in life, leadership, and loving others well. It’s the story behind the story told through the eyes of household names, everyday people, and everyone in between, showing that truly everyone has…

Dr. Linda Mintle




Building Relationships

Dr. Gary Chapman
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