What does it mean to have a relationship with God?

In theory, a relationship with God should look a lot like the other relationships we have in life. Chances are if you know how to have a solid relationship with another person, you can have one with God too.

This week on Live the Promise, several of our guests brought up different aspects of being in relationship with God that can help us along the journey.


Matt Bays explains how part of being in relationship with God is being honest with Him about all of the emotions we feel on a regular basis. This includes the negative emotions we often feel we can’t express to anyone. Scripture is chock-full of instances where people are gut-level honest with God about their true feelings. Not only is it condoned, it’s encouraged. God doesn’t want a sugarcoated commentary of our lives, He wants the real thing. He can handle anything we throw at Him. Matt the author of the book .

Listen to this interview here.

Faithfulness in the little things

Jeff Manion says that being in relationship with God is not about doing great things for God, it’s about faithfully doing the little things over and over again. Living a life of faith in relationship with God requires us to stick it out when life just seems boring and mundane. God doesn’t guarantee constant excitement to keep us going. Sometimes, He wants us to settle in and show Him our dedication by faithfully moving forward, day after day. Jeff is the author of .

Listen to this interview here.


TC Stallings says being in relationship with God means being a team player, getting off the bench, and getting in the game of life. All too often, we come into relationship with Christ, receive salvation, and then sit on the sidelines. TC says this is the equivalent of a football player receiving a full-ride scholarship from a university, accepting it, arriving at school, and just sitting in his dorm room. It just doesn’t make sense. God calls us into relationship with Him, and, as a result, we’re expected to offer ourselves as living sacrifices and fulfill our roles on God’s team. TC is the author of .

Listen to this interview here.