God wants to rid us of the dividing lines that we place on our hearts and minds, and open them up to His people. According to Deidra Riggs, we need to step outside of our comfort zone and reach out to people who are different than us.

“I believe that the revolution begins in our heart. I call it a revolution; a different way of looking at the world. I’ve been living life with people and working on this myself, because I certainly did not enter into this open to all people. I had to grow into this, continually being made aware of people I have biases against and prejudices against.”

We should be willing to partake in His plan of bringing unity to the world, and God will do His part.

“The more we make our hearts available to the Spirit of God to transform them, He is ready and just waiting for us to say, ‘I didn’t even know this was a thing and I want to figure out how to be different in this area of my life.’”

“I have never seen that prayer or that realization go unanswered, or without some sort of transformation happen in the person who’s speaking it. I think there is something to just recognizing that maybe it’s an issue.”

Deidra wants us to put our focus on self-preservation aside and, like Jesus, make the first move toward reconciliation. But how can we soften our hearts towards those who have hurt us in some way? Deidra suggests spending some alone time in prayer.

“Many people have been deeply wounded by others in this world. I find for myself in most situations, beginning with God by saying,

‘I do not want to love this person; I don’t like them, they hurt me in this way, You are aware of this. But I’m also aware that You might want something different from me in the way that I view this person so I’m willing to let you work that out in my heart.’

“God is a God of love and He has some miraculous ways of bringing us healing, even in situations where we don’t receive the apology that we so rightfully deserve. It’s not saying just love people, without recognizing that there are people who have been deeply wounded. Today may not be that day for oneness and unity in this moment for them.”

We are called to bring about unity in our world and become one, as Jesus is one with God. If we open up our minds and hearts to God’s transforming power, there’s no limit to what He can do.

Deidra Riggs is an author and speaker, and the visionary behind life-changing events for writers, artists, entrepreneurs, and other fabulous people who have an amazing dream. She is author of the book .

A call for unity
Also on this edition of Jo Bender
Brenda Salter McNeil on the Roadmap to Reconciliation