On this weekend’s show, I mentioned the news story about the Stanford athlete, Brock Turner, convicted of sexual assault last summer. The victim wrote a compelling statement describing the impact of the assault.
Every student, parent and grandparent should read what she read aloud in the courtroom to her perpetrator. This will help you understand the trauma involved in sexual assault. A warning, the account is graphic.
Nothing excuses sexual assault. Nothing! But I have to ask, how did we get to the point where college age men became so calloused about violence toward women?
Let’s talk about the confusing and perverted messages related to sexuality promoted on college campuses.
Universities support such outrageous events like Sex Week in which everything from sadomasochistic porn, demonstration of sex toys, lectures on how to have a threesome and live nudity in classrooms are promoted.
Pornography, which is reinforced and rampant on our campuses, activates the part of the brain that sees a person as a tool, an object. It creates unrealistic expectations regarding sex and is self-gratifying.
Then we are surprised that hormonal boys see women as objects for their pleasure? Again, not an excuse, but perhaps we need to address how this thinking gets molded.
Objectification of women, pornographic training in a vacuum of morality–sex and lust apart from intimacy– and we think this doesn’t impact the way our students think when it comes to doing the right thing and treating each other as valuable?
And finally, as long as I am ranting, we’re never allowed to discuss the politically incorrect view that taking God out of culture results in the removal of the development of a moral compass in peoples’ lives.
We aren’t permitted to present the position that, left to our own devices, we are sinners, not good people who get better without God; we are depraved and sinful people in need of redemption.
We have to go off campus to say this because it may offend someone and violate the wrongly interpreted separation of church and state argument.
It also flies in the face of secular humanism, the allowed religion on college campuses. Christianity is taught to be oppressive, bad, an illusion, only for the weak.
Yet, look at the fallout of excluding God from the public square.
A relationship with God gives people the power to stop doing bad things, to look at a drunk and unconscious woman and say, ‘I won’t take advantage of her. I won’t do horrific things to her. I need self-control. I won’t use drinking as a right to defile her. I won’t treat her as an object – she is made in the image of God.’
God help us!
How do we talk about sexual assault?