Christians in America are beginning to experiencing a taste of the persecution seen around the world.

Is the rise of social and legal persecution towards leading you to fear? Social critic Os Guinness challenges us against responding in fear.

“From Genesis to Revelation the most common refrain in Scripture: have no fear.”

At times, this can seem like a difficult feat considering how our country is changing. But because of how great our God is we can be bold in our faith and a light in our world.

“We are not on the losing side, so we should be people of unconquerable trust and hope.”

By remembering that we have Lord behind us, we can find the strength and courage we need to go out into our communities and share the Gospel and our beliefs.

As we face discrimination, Os point us to the importance of considering principle questions. We need to answer the principle questions people have on freedom, justice, and the problems that underlie this country. These answers aren’t just for Christians, but for all minorities seeking a more just world.

“There are some things at stake, not just touching us, but touching something very crucial to America and humanity.”

So as we try to find our courage and disable our fear, we should remember that we’re not just fighting for ourselves.

“We’re fighting for justice, not just us.”

Highlight: Fighting fear and injustice

Fighting fear and injustice