Did you know that a strong marriage can be good for your health? Dr. Gene Rudd says study after study shows that marriage has a positive impact on your overall well-being.
“If you compare married to unmarried, the married are healthier, both physically and mentally. They live longer. They earn better incomes, even if only one works. They’re happier. There’s less suicide, less alcohol abuse, less depression and their sex lives are better.”
The research underscores the importance of marriage and the wisdom in God’s design.
“Marriage was God’s idea. He said it was not good for man to be alone, and I don’t think that just had to do with loneliness.”
“Men need to be civilized, to have some institutionalizing going on in order to improve the quality of their life, and that includes physical health as well. Men who are in healthy relationships and long-term marriage relationships are healthier and they live longer.”
Marriage as an institution also provides benefits to society at large. Dr. Rudd says, just as individual couples must be intentional about strengthening their own marriages, a society must be intentional about supporting marriage.
“All cultures have found that the marriage is the fundamental building block of a society. It’s like a body that has cells: there are components within cells, but if those cells aren’t healthy, those organs and that body are not healthy. Society can see that as well.”
“The marriage gives structure, economic stability, it’s the best environment for raising the next generation. If we were to take on this liability as a government (to raise the next generation of children), we couldn’t afford it, and we couldn’t do it well. So we need strong families to produce a next generation. We can organize ourselves, we can propagate ourselves, and we can find the greatest fulfillment, joy, and satisfaction–in a society and as individuals–through the family unit.”
Dr. Gene Rudd serves as Senior Vice President of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. He’s a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, with extensive experience as a director of a maternal-fetal medicine training program and in rural healthcare practice.
Why marriage is good for you, with Dr. Gene Rudd