Does worry get in the way of your joy? Author Jane Rubietta shares how God led her down this path of confronting her own tendency to worry.

“We launched into a non-profit ‘free-fall.’ It was doing more than stealing my joy – I was not able to be present with my kids, my husband – I never run out of things to worry about. My husband’s and my daily prayer is ‘Lord, help me to worry less so we can live more.'”

Jane points out that worry is projecting into the future – we can choose to combat worry by focusing on God’s past faithfulness and track record in our lives and the lives of His people.

Do you mistake worry for being burdened? Jane says this is a normal phrase in Christian circles, but they’re not the same thing.

“It sounds spiritual to say that we’re burdened – if we’re really super-burdened we’re probably not bringing it to God but sort of rolling around in it.”

Jane shares that there is a connection between our own fears and worry and the expectations we think others have for us. There is power in prayer to combat our fears.

A woman called during the program whose young daughter is overcome by worry about everyday scenarios and disasters. Jane counsels her to pray with her daughter and help her focus on Scripture. Her final words can apply to all of us.

“Whose voice do you want to believe? The worry voice, or God’s voice?”

Key Scriptures: Romans 5:3-5; Psalm 30:11-12

Highlight : Our wildflower-throwing God

Worry less, delight more