If Jesus is the answer, shouldn’t we be sharing His solutions for a broken world?
That question has compelled teacher, worship leader, and evangelist Tom Elie for many years. As the president of Oasis World Ministries, he travels the world ministering to the body and the soul, but he’s also passionate about helping each of us intentionally communicate the Gospel here at home. Guest host Bill Arnold engages with Tom about sharing Christ through The One-Minute Witness tool.
So how can we bring the church to people? People are simply afraid to share their faith. We look at the variance between compassion and fear. As the Bible says, perfect love casts out fear!
90% of unbelievers will never make it inside the walls of our churches. So how do we deliver the message to them?
As part of the One Minute Witness, Tom recommends we ask others – “What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you?”. Then we can share the best thing that’s ever happened to us. The five steps of the strategy can be represented as the five fingers of your hand:
1. Permission
2. BC – Before Christ
3. Turning Point
4. AC – After Christ
5. If I never met Christ
In our hearts lie two central questions: “What is my purpose in life?” and “What happens when I die?”
Today in America, approximately three to four percent of the population is homosexual. Yet their beliefs are moving the public opinion of the country. Imagine if just ten percent of Christians started sharing their faith every day! Most of us aren’t natural leaders. We’re mostly followers. Yet it takes that ten percent to take a stand and move people in the right direction.