Time gets away from us, chores get away from us, bills get away from us – and suddenly we’re in survival mode at home, rather than thrive mode. Author, blogger and mom Crystal Paine joins us to offer organization and time-management tips for life. In her book is SAY GOOD-BYE TO SURVIVAL MODE she shares her own experiences of turning her life and learning the blessings of order. Crystal and her husband committed to going through law school debt free. She shares her experiences of scraping together money for groceries, dreaming of being a stay at home mom, and eventually turning to blogging to focus her time. Eventually more and more people started contacting Crystal asking how she managed her money creatively, and MoneySavingMom.com was born.

What leads women to ‘survival mode’?

  • Fear of letting others down
  • Fear of showing others our messiness

Have you fallen into the survival pit? Listen as Jo and Crystal address these tips for how to climb out:

  • Learning the power of “no”
  • Making a manageable to-do list for the next day
  • Setting short-term and long-term goals to manage your spending
  • Embracing the imperfections of life

Image: Flickr

Highlight – Survival mode

Survival mode