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Why we drift

When someone leaves the faith, it can seem sudden. But it rarely is. Susie Larson and Christine Caine explore why and how we drift away from God.

Susie Larson


Godly perseverance is possible 

It's tempting to think of perseverance as scraping by through life and assuming things will not get any better, but Scripture has a very different narrative for us.


You are the light of the world

“You are the light of the world,” Jesus told His disciples. He called them, as He calls us, to let our light shine in a world so desperately searching for hope. However, all too often, we find the stress of life or self-doubt starts to dim our light, and unfortunately, we can even end up adding to the darkness. How do we keep…

Bill Arnold


Soul healing

Do you long for refreshment and soul healing but don't know how to find it? Dr. Mark Rutland encourages finding courage to seek the healing God has for you.

Susie Larson


No failure

The fear of failure can keep us from taking risks, but what would you do if you knew you could not fail? Ryan Leak dares you to go after your dreams.

Susie Larson


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