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Have we turned Christian authors and pastors into celebrities? How can we tell? Listen as Jo visits with author and poet Steve Turner. They talk about his book Popcultured: Thinking Christianly about style, media and entertainment, and how we can reverse the flow of ‘celebrity culture’ into our churches and book clubs. How can…


Novel talk: Unlimited by Davis Bunn

When you make a poor choice, do you believe God can redeem and use it? Listen as Susie talks with author Davis Bunn. We’re going to unpack his latest novel, Unlimited, and talk about the themes of suspense, wisdom, and redemption. Key Scriptures: Exodus 15:13; Numbers 6:24-26 Theme Song: Guardian by Worship Central Highlight : Unlimited…

Susie Larson


Novel talk: Memory’s Door by Jim Rubart

When God calls us into battle, He promises to give us the weapons we need to win it. Listen to Susie’s discussion with novelist Jim Rubart. He’s written a new novel called Memory’s Door and we explore the themes of prophecy, faith, spiritual warfare, and the powerful presence of God. Key Scriptures: Isaiah 58:12; Ephesians 6:10-16…

Susie Larson



Hymns of the faith

The gospel accounts tell us the disciples sang a hymn after the last supper, and the church has been singing hymns ever since.


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