Today on Live the Promise, Susie is joined in studio by broadcasting professor and radio professional Mark Seignious. Mark is a professor at the University of Northwestern with 20 years of experience working in the radio industry across the nation.

Mark relates that while media is important, we shouldn’t view it as the enemy.

We are created in God’s image and he has given us the ability and passion to create. We are little creators who are able to speak and create. God gives us dominion over the things in this world, including media.

“We need to remember that media is neutral, and we have dominion over it. However, the people that make media are not neutral. There’s a worldview that comes through every piece of film and every message.”

Mark emphasizes the importance of discernment in active and engaged media consumption, especially for families. Intentional media viewing can provide opportunities to discuss issues or challenges with kids before they come up in the real world.

  • If a young character is offered tobacco or alcohol, talk with your kids about what they would do in that situation.
  • If someone is deceitful, discuss how even little lies cause hurt and misunderstanding
  • If a character is showcasing controlling behavior start a conversation about discernment, boundaries and healthy relationships

Susie shares that taking time to pause movies and point out worldview to her boys helped them become better thinkers.

They examine two popular movies – Ever Afterand Cinderella Manfrom a Christian perspective and discuss the themes of love, good and evil, and redemption. 

Silver Screen Part I

Silver Screen Part II