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Relationship first aid

Are you going through a difficult time with a family member, a loved one, a co-worker or even a boss? Maybe you are on the brink of losing a relationship. Don’t give up hope. Instead, apply relationship first aid to revive an ailing relationship. Here are 6 ways to apply relationship first aid: Consider this question. Is the relationship…

Dr. Linda Mintle


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Faith Radio


Handling disappointment

Are you going through a difficult time with a family member, a loved one, a co-worker or even a boss? Maybe you are on the brink of losing a relationship. Don’t give up hope. Instead, apply relationship first aid to revive an ailing relationship. Here are 6 ways to apply relationship first aid: Consider this question. Is the relationship…

Dr. Linda Mintle


The science of being charming

Are you going through a difficult time with a family member, a loved one, a co-worker or even a boss? Maybe you are on the brink of losing a relationship. Don’t give up hope. Instead, apply relationship first aid to revive an ailing relationship. Here are 6 ways to apply relationship first aid: Consider this question. Is the relationship…

Dr. Linda Mintle


Are you mindstuck and need to change?

Are you going through a difficult time with a family member, a loved one, a co-worker or even a boss? Maybe you are on the brink of losing a relationship. Don’t give up hope. Instead, apply relationship first aid to revive an ailing relationship. Here are 6 ways to apply relationship first aid: Consider this question. Is the relationship…

Dr. Linda Mintle



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